DC16 digitizers family can be employed in PET instrumentation. A pre-clinical PET prototype will be built as a proof of concept, demonstrating the reconfigurability and innovative potential of our solutions. Our system will be based on detector modules, each one composed by a monolithic scintillation crystal coupled to a photodetector array. The use of monolithic crystals reduce costs and improve system etection efficiency. However, it requires sophisticated algorithms to determine the position of gamma radiation interaction inside the detector, which will be implemented onto our digitizer.
MRI compatibility will be achieved by using silicon photomultipliers (SiPM). The row-column summing readout scheme reduces the number of channels of acquisition of the system and, consequently, the cost of the components for signal processing. The signals from each SiPM array will be collected and processed digitally, in real time, by our digitizer. Finally, the data from each module will be sent to a computer for image reconstruction. Our PET instrumentation will enable the development of the first PET system in Latin America, with competitive cost and high image quality.